21 Reason Why You Should Train With Head Permanent Makeup Trainer Katy Jobbins At The Permanent Makeup Training Academy, Harley Street, London
If you are seriously considering training in Permanent Makeup then you need to seek out the best trainers. Below are just some of the reasons that show you should choose to train with Top Industry Head Trainer Katy Jobbins:
Exclusive 1 on 1 Training
All our permanent makeup training courses and workshops are completed 1 on 1 by Katy Jobbins, Industry Author, Award Winning Permanent Make up Artist and Producer of many instructional DVDs. (founder of Permanent Makeup Training Academy) No questions go unanswered and you have Katy’s undivided attention for the full duration of the training.
Train In A Real Clinic Environment
We train you in a real clinic environment. You will have the option to be trained at Katy’s head clinic/training centre in West Sussex or her Harley Street Training Centre. You will be trained in a real everyday Permanent make up clinic environment, giving you genuine working experience in the permanent makeup industry. Alternatively you can be trained in your own clinic/salon.
Train With A True Artist
Who better to train you in permanent makeup than an actual artist. Katy studied fine art at john Leggot college, in Lincolnshire. She has exhibited in galleries both locally & internationally. Her highest selling painting sold for £11,000. She will be able to pass on, some highly advanced permanent makeup drawing & colouring techniques to you.
Katy Continues To Perform Eyebrow Treatments, Eyeliner Treatments, Lip Treatments Herself
Katy runs a very successful permanent makeup business herself. Her clients travel the length of the country and from overseas to use her services.
Katy Specialises Purely in Permanent Makeup, & Permanent Makeup Training
Katy employs a team of beauty experts, trainers, Doctors, marketing & PR specialists. Katy herself specialises purely in permanent makeup, & permanent makeup training. The Permanent Makeup Training Academy believe it is important to not dabble in and out of permanent cosmetics as it is very specialist, many training companies trainers often also offer nails, eyelash extensions etc.
Katy is especially known for her ‘natural simulated hair stroke technique’
Katy the head trainer of ‘The Permanent Makeup Training Academy’ is especially known for her ‘natural simulated hair stroke technique’. She was hired to train some of the top para-medical cancer care tattooists in the art of creating the most natural looking eyebrows for their cancer patients.
Katy was voted Sussex Woman Of The Year 2014
On Friday 18th July 2014, Katy was crowned the “Woman of the Year” for two separate awards. Katy was shortlisted as Judges finalist in 5 separate categories. Those were Success Story, Woman in Business, Mum of the Year, Hair n Beauty & Woman in Education.
Katy won the Woman of the year for Success Story which was a fabulous achievement however the Judges then selected Katy as overall Woman of the Year Woman chosen from all winners across the 15 categories, which was quite some achievement given the caliber of the other ladies in the room.
The judges commented that they were so impressed with Katy’s nominations that she could have won any of the categories she was shortlisted for, which is why they crowned her the Woman of the Year Overall Winner.
Katy was voted Woman Of The Year 2013 in the Hair & Beauty Industry
On Friday 22nd November 2013, Katy was crowned the “Woman of the Year” for the hair and beauty Industry, by former Olympic Champion & OBE Sally Gunnell
Katy Celebrating with Sally Gunnel OBE
Katy being presented with her Award
In 2013 Katy was also named
Runner up or Short listed as Judges Finalist
for no less than 6 other major awards including:
1- Best Education & Training Award
2- Best Customer Service Award
3- Star of the Future Award
4- 2013 Business Personality of the Year Award
5- Innovation in Business Award
6- Readers Choice Award
The Permanent Makeup Training Academy was awarded with the prestigious ‘Innovation in Business’ award
In July 2012 The Permanent Makeup Training Academy was awarded with the prestigious ‘Innovation in Business’ award at the 2012 Business Matters Awards for taking the industry by storm with new advanced techniques and training practices.
Katy Pictured with TV Presenter Fred Dinange
at the Innovation In Business Award Presentation
Katy Receiving the Innovation In Business Award 2012
Here are a number of reasons why Katy won the award…
– Innovating New Procedures Which Have Been Adopted By Other Training Companies In The Industry
– Constantly At the Forefront Of the Permanent Makeup Industry
– Huge Student Success Rate Following 1-on-1 Training Courses
– Constantly Updating and Improving Training Course, Methods & Content
– Developing New Products To Match Students Needs
Also In 2013 One of Katy’s Students won a Runners Up Business Matter Award for Readers Choice…
In 2013 The Permanent Makeup Academy were on Judges Shortlist for 4 Major Awards
Amy Packer was also Shortlisted for the Best New Business Award 2013 just 6 months after training with Katy
Katy’s Student, Amy Packer, on Stage Receiving
the Runners Up Readers Choice Award
Amy Packer & Katy Jobbins Celebrating Amy’s first Award Win at the
Business Matter 2013 Awards Ceremony
Katy was awarded the ‘Crème de la Crème’ award for ‘Outstanding Achievement ‘ in her field
Katy has recently been awarded the ‘Crème de la Crème’ award for ‘Outstanding Achievement ‘ in her field, previously won by the Billionaire, Sir Richard Branson. This followed her award for ‘Best Customer Focus’ at the Best Business Awards in 2009.
Katy has authored many books and articles on Permanent Makeup procedures and techniques
She is an author of over 10 permanent makeup related books (including her bestseller “Top Secrets & Tips to Becoming an Expert Permanent Makeup Technician.”), training manuals & reports.
Learn Pioneering Specialist Techniques
Katy has pioneered an exclusive new natural hair-stroke marbling permanent eyebrow technique for blondes, brunettes & women with silver hair. By training with us you will learn these 3 world exclusive treatments, commanding up to £700 per hour.
Katy Is In the Top 2% of Qualified Permanent Makeup Trainers in the UK
She is qualified to the highest level of permanent makeup,making her in the top 2% in the UK. She has had extensive training in the UK, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore & the United States of America. She has also trained alongside Harley Street technicians, Plastic Surgeons, Harrods, Selfridges & Harvey Nichols permanent makeup technicians.
Katy also features regularly on the Ask the Expert Panel in National Beauty Magazines
(Click here or the image to see more press coverage on Katy Jobbins)
Katy’s DVD’s Continue to Inspire Permanent Makeup Technicians all around the World…
Katy’s online video tutorials have helped train over 100,000 permanent make up technicians to date in the art of permanent make up.
Katy’s first Permanent Makeup Eyebrow Tutorial YouTube
Video has over 80,000 views alone!…
Learn Top Business Strategies That Come Direct From The Best Of The Best
Because we have spent years and years working in the industry & and personally attended hundreds of business training seminars with the likes of Sir Richard Branson, Sir Alan Sugar, Dragon’s Den Peter Jones & Doug Richards, as well as with the billionaire, Donald Trump, learning how to develop winning business strategies of which we have successfully applied to the permanent makeup industry and that we can pass on to you.
Exclusive Business & Marketing Workshop in Permanent Makeup…
Unlike any other permanent makeup training company, the Permanent Makeup Training Academy also run exclusive 3 Day Permanent Makeup Marketing Masterclasses for both our qualified technicians & those who have originally trained elsewhere. Our award winning marketing experts teach you how to create your business plan, setting up clinics, becoming the go-to-expert in your local area & how to command the top prices in the industry for the best treatments.
“After Just Day 1 of the Marketing Course We Got Our Site On Page 1 of Google!…”
Books, DVD’s & CD’s which continue to help you after your training
The Permanent Makeup Training Academy has produced a large selection of training DVDs, manuals & workbooks, exclusive to us, that can be used to help aid your continuing progress as a permanent makeup technician.
You Get Certified & Insured
Upon Completion of your course you get your full permanent makeup training certificate & we even pay for your first years permanent makeup insurance, which covers both Treatment Risk Insurance and Public Liability Insurance.
Find Out How Some Of Our Students Have Got Since Completing Their Training
Full Time Wages With Part Time Hours In 6 Months
Less Than 12 Months On And I Make Over £500 Per Hour
Sack Your Boss… I did Within A Month!!! xxx
“Already featured in an industry magazine* & been nominated for multiple awards just 8 months
after training with the Permanent Makeup Training Academy..”
(*-Guild News Magazine – October 2013 Page 130-131)
Here are some examples of the quality student’s work on real clients
once they have completed their training with the Permanent Training Academy
This could be your clients reaction in less than 3 months time…
Not sure if you could make it as a permanent makeup technician? If you have any doubts, then please watch this 3 minute video below. This is a video that one of our recent students made showing her clients reaction to her new permanent eyebrows. Unbelievably, this video was made less than 3 month after Amy trained with us at The Permanent Makeup Training Academy!!!
Still not convinced that we are the one for you?
Watch this video to see why you should choose the ‘Permanent Makeup Training Academy.’